Seasons Greetings and welcome to the holiday edition of Crimson Sky Creations, by far the most intricate layout it's ever had. I'm so awed it came out looking exactly how I wanted it to, though not through my efforts alone (special thanks are below.) Use the links to browse the site, and have a happy holiday season everyone!

Sister Site:


SPECIAL NOTICE: Congratulations to my sister-siteowner, KishokaHime, for being accepted to the Art Institute of Washington!!!

Updates: December 30: Changed an e-mail link in the Guest section.

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Special thanks:

*Paul: You, my friend, are the man. Thank you for helping me, even when you were sick and had homework, even though you're all the way out in California, even though we've only actually met in person like twice.

*Simon: I met you ONCE, and you took what I had been slaving over for a month and fixed it to look like my ideal in under a half an hour. I owe you BIG TIME.

*Alex: My hero! You helped me with the html, you brought me Simon, and you didn't mind those times when I didn't speak when for hours except for "Goddamn son of a bitch" and stomping up and down and the occasional "I rock!" and jumping up and down.

*Hime-chan: My soul sister. You talked me through everything and helped in every way possible. Without your encouragement, I wouldn't have made my very first website, and I probably would've given up on this very difficult update. Thank you so much.