Crissy's Fanart

Neo Queen Serenity



First Sailor Moon related drawing

A profile of Usagi






Sailor Mercury



One of my "ten winter break drawings"

"Animated" Skye

Original Character

colored pencils

copied pose

"Manga" Skye

Original Character

colored pencils

copied pose

The Outer Senshi, Usagi, and Chibiusa

oil pastels





Alternate Super Sailor Mars

colored pencils

copied pose

Grown up Rainbow Brite


copied pose

Grown up LaLa Orange


copied pose

Grown up Canary Yellow


copied pose

A gothic Hotaru

colored pencils

One of my "ten winter break drawings"

For a contest

A sparkly Minako

crayons, glitter crayons (that don't show up too well when scanned...actually, they don't show up too well in real life, either)

One of my "ten winter break drawings" (if a little late) (last one!)

copied pose

Setsuna in flowers

colored pencil

Lady Serenity

colored pencils

copied pose

First drawing of Chibiusa

Elios and Chibiusa stand ruminating on their love

colored pencils

copied pose

A profile of Lady Serenity

colored pencils

copied pose

A not so chibi Moon

colored pencils

copied pose

Elios and Chibiusa

colored pencils

copied pose

Chibiusa getting ready

colored pencils

copied pose

Sailor Chibimoon


copied pose

Chibiusa on the moon

colored pencils, some watercolor pencil

copied pose

A statue of Lady Serenity


copied pose

Lady Juno

colored pencils

copied pose

Lady Vesta

colored pencils

copied pose

Lady Ceres

colored pencils

copied pose

Lady Pallas

colored pencils

copied pose

A teenaged Chibiusa

colored pencils

copied pose

One of my "ten winter break drawings"

A promise of the future

colored pencils

One of my "ten winter break drawings"

For a contest

Eternal Sailor Chibimoon


One of my "ten winter break drawings" (if a little late)

copied pose

Queen Serenity

colored pencils

One of my "ten winter break drawings"

For a contest

Won third prize!!! Yay!!!

Rei-chan and Hime-chan

colored pencils

original characters

Eternal Sailor Chibimoon Full

colored pencils

semi-copied pose

Angel Queen Serenity


copied pose

By request

Colorized Angel Queen Serenity

drawn by me

colorized by Hime-chan on the computer


Starburst Group

colored pencils

copied pose



The senshi cosplaying as Capcom characters

colored pencils

copied poses

One of my "ten winter break drawings"

For a contest

The future Sailor Senshi, Sailor Vesta, Sailor Ceres, Sailor Chibimoon, Sailor Juno, and Sailor Pallas

colored pencils

copied poses

For a contest

Rei in bed


copied pose

One of my "ten winter break drawings"

Rei lying down

charcoal pencil


Sailor KattC, an original character by KattC.

colored pencil

copied pose

One of my "ten winter break drawings"

For a contest


Notes On The Notes:

The first thing listed is the medium used to draw the image.

If the next line says "copied pose", it means the image exists of another character in that pose, that I went off of. While I will not take the time to list all of my sources, I can credit *almost* all of them exactly. For that, e-mail me for details.

If it says "copied", it means that I copied those characters exactly (even if the coloring varies.)

If you are one of my friends, you know (and sympathize with) the explanation of, "one of my 'ten winter break drawings'". Basically, while other people make New Year's Resolutions, I resolved at the very end of the fall semester that I would spend my winter break in doing ten new drawings. Sadly, I fell just two short of that magic number, but I did finish ten before the end of January, at least. Hey, it's my college's fault, for not giving me off longer. If I went to UMass or Queens College, I'd have made it.

The last possible line, "For a contest" does not apply to every drawing I've entered in a contest, but only ones that were drawn specifically for a themed contest. I, again, will not take the time to post links to every single contest, but if you really want one, you can e-mail me by clicking above.
