
Yes, I admit it: I have a special affinity for Mars. She is most like me, and who I'd most like to be like.
Woo-hoo!  Sexy Rei.
I copied this pose from one of my other passions, a Crow comic book.
Hee.  I did this because I really like the Super Sailor Moon fuku, and wondered what it would look like on the senshi I identify with.
A replica of the dress I wore on my Sweet 16.
Rei lying down

charcoal pencil


Rei in bed


copied pose

One of my "ten winter break drawings"


An alternate version of Super Sailor Mars

colored pencils

copied pose

One of my "ten winter break drawings"


Rei in an elegant dress

colored pencils

For a contest


I sobbed the day I did this.  I thought it was such a great idea--the theme of the contest was to somehow incorporate a pentacle into an anime drawing.  And this came out so well!  And then I couldn't even enter it in the contest, because I hadn't read the rules carefully enough--the pic had to be original (not copied off of a tarot card, like I did) and computer colored.
I just sketched this quick while I was on the phone once and really liked the way it came out.  Dad smudged it a bit at the top there when he looked at it, though.
Sigh--this seemed like such a great idea, but I'm not sure if the theme came through at all.  Can you see what is hiding in the shoulder bag?
The theme of the contest was to do something anime related and angel and dark and whatnot, so I did this one of Rei.  This was actually the second attempt at drawing this, the first one really blew.  Overall, I got the effect I wanted.
Princess of Pentacles

colored pencils

copied pose

For a contest (originally...^.^;;)


Tuxedo Mars




Packed and Ready To Go

colored pencils


Dark Angel

markers, the black darkened in Paintshop Pro

For a contest


Ok, problems here.  1) Mars has a very hard hair shade to achieve.  I've mentioned this before.  2) I don't have a lot of prisma colors at my disposal.  3) I am not good with blending in general, certainly not with markers.  4) I have been making minor mistakes lately that are entirely due to carelessness.  In this case, I forgot to even attempt to add the Japanese writing on the ofuda.  5) Not sure this is a mistake, I'm trying out a new fleshtone.  What do you think?
This is another piece inspired by the classical art nude book Vlad lent me.  The wings are my own addition, the background is a photo by the Hubble Telescope.
And now, something completely rare from me, something not inspired by or copied from anything else.  I didn't even set up my artist's mannequin for this one.  Just me own noggin.
Yeah, I was going to color this...until I saw how fantastic it looked inked.  Mama didn't raise no fool.
Evil Spirits Begone

prisma markers, black regular marker



Fire Angel

colored pencils, photo background

semi-copied pose

A Rose In The Night

colored pencils

Weary Princess



A family friend, Carol, had asked me to draw something for her, so I drew my favorite senshi in my favorite dress.

colored pencils, computerized background
