
I have SOO much trouble drawing poor Ami-chan! Though, in my defense, so do the animators of the earliest Sailor Moon seasons ::chuckle::

Dad was teaching me not to waste paper, so I sketched this quickly in some left over space.
I tried to make the background colors as ugly as the ones in a real hospital.
Wow, I got a little nutty on this picture.  I knew I wanted to draw Ami in the snow, but I also knew that there weren't enough shades of blue in my colored pencils collection to do it justice.  Since I wanted her jacket to look shiny anyway, I decided to use a milky pen on that.  Then, rather than attempt to draw realistic looking snow, I decided to borrow a technique from Naoko-sama herself and pasted actual doilies onto the paper.  It's a neat pic if I do say so myself.
Still playing with prismas.  My fleshtones are way too dark.  In Naoko's artbooks, the flesh tones are so pale, you can't see where the whites of the eyes stop.
Sailor Mercury



One of my "ten winter break drawings"


Ami as a Candy Striper

colored pencils

For a contest


Snow Fun

colored pencils, milky pens, doilies

For a contest


Beach Baby

prisma markers



Hee hee hee I practically thought up a whole mini-fanfic for this one!  I pictured Ami-chan getting up very early in the morning, to where she has a chessboard set up outside on her patio, and contemplating her next move in a long-distance chess game she has going, where she and her opponent mail their moves back and forth to each other.   All right, well, I thought it was nift.  It was actually just brought about by me wanting to draw Ami-chan, and asking Alex (who did some of the inking, by the way) what she should wear, and he answered, "My T-shirt.  Just my T-shirt."
Another in my quest to do a few of the Super fuku.  This one was inspired by the Beatles song, I forget which one, but you'll recognize the title, and the background is from good old XP again.
I had this idea about a week ago, and while it looked more realistic (I'd love to photograph a model for this) in my head, I'm surprised how well it came out, and I think that's partially due to Hime-chan being there.
Whenever I finish a new CG, I always think it's the best I've ever done so far.  Well, I'm not going to say that this time.  However, I *do* really like her face here.
Your Move

colored pencils

semi-copied pose


Something In The Way She Moves

colored pencils, borrowed background


Ice Queen

prisma markers, XP background, clipart snowflakes


Apparition of Hermes

computer colored

copied pose
