
The star of our show! And so few pictures to herself! Gomen, Usagi-chan!

My very first ever Sailor Moon fanart!  Guh.  You know, my friend still likes this one...I think it's awful! But anyway. Now see this one I *really* like, but the same friend who likes my Neo Queen Serenity pic is freaked out because you can't see Usagi's eye... Usagi in her high school uniform getting ready for school. Inspired by a lyric from one of my latest favorite songs, and copied from a pose much earlier on in the series, Usagi wonders where Mamoru has gone.
Neo Queen Serenity








"Usagi! Breakfast!"

colored pencil, computerized background

copied pose


"Now you've disappeared somewhere like outer space"

computer colored, photo background



The same pic, but colored by Hime-chan.  Our first in-person collaberation! Ooh, I think she came out pretty!  Yet another song-inspired title. I had a dream (don't snigger; as much as I love Sailor Moon, I'm not *that* obsessed; this is probably only the third or maybe fourth Sailor Moon dream I've had in my life) about an implied part of Sailor Moon that I've often wondered about but could never picture: how, exactly, *did* Serenity become Queen of the Earth?  My dream showed only the moment of the proclamation of her accession.  She's still Eternal Sailor Moon, but she's older, you can tell, because her hair has turned from the blonde of Usagi to the silver of Serenity.  Incidentally, this was my first time drawing Eternal Sailor Moon's fuku, and oh my goodness do I have a new appreciation for Naoko Takeuchi now.  All of those TINY little details! Mike is always so kind to me, making me CGs of my cosplay costumes, and so very talented, that I wanted to see what a collaboration between he and I would look like, so I sent him the line art of the most recent Sailor Moon picture I did, and WOW!  Did he do a good job!  In addition to the beautiful coloring he did, he made a few other artistic changes as well, such as making the tail ends of her hair twine into a little heart (what a neat idea, I wish I had thought of that!) I SO love the way it came out, it's going to be a temptation to send him all of my artwork to make it look better from now on!
"She is liberty And she comes to rescue me"

Usagi colored by Hime-chan, line work and background by me


"She came in like an angel, into my lonely life"



Proclamation of Accession

Prismacolor markers, computerized background


Announcement of Coronation

Colored by Mike Moon, line work by me