Naoko's work is famous for grouping many of her main characters together. There sure are a lot of them!
The outer senshi, Usagi, and Chibiusa
oil pastels copied |
The future Sailor Senshi, Sailor Vesta, Sailor Ceres, Sailor Chibimoon, Sailor Juno, and Sailor Pallas
colored pencils copied poses For a contest 12-1-00 |
The inner senshi and Chibiusa, cosplaying as Capcom characters
colored pencils copied poses One of my "ten winter break drawings" For a contest 12-15-00 |
Starburst Group
colored pencils copied pose |
Future Family
colored pencils For a contest 6-20-01 |
Happy Birthday Usagi!
colored pencils For a contest 6-23-01 |
Group Photo
colored pencils, computer colored 7-3-01 |
Disney Senshi
computer colored For a contest |
The Lesson
colored pencils, computerized background 6-15-02/10-16-07 |
Three Graces
colored pencils copied pose 7-24-02 |
Debutante Party
colored pencils, photo background semi-copied poses |
Her Inner Court
prisma markers, computer effects copied pose 11-13-03 |
Unconventional Use of the Mirror Palais Dollies
colored pencils, computerized background 1-21-04 |
Inner Beauty
colored pencils, computerized background copied pose 6-26-06 |
Why the Starlights decided to crossdress
colored pencils, computerized text and background copied pose 8-25-06 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Senshi prisma markers copied pose 4-30-10 |
Three Lights Schoolgirls prisma markers, computerized background 11-7-0 |