
The meaning behind Sailor Moon--the love stories. (Even some that were never shown in the manga or anime!)

I think they're such a kawaii couple.
More adorable loveyness!
I was so proud of this picture, and then when I showed it to my father, his first reaction was to start giggling and say, "those are two girls!"   I slammed my sketchbook shut and said that he couldn't see any more pictures until he had matured enough to handle it.
Not so happy with this pic, either, but I like it because it's more "What If" kind of art.  After all, Usagi's parents did get married at some point, after all.
Elios and Chibiusa stand ruminating on their love

colored pencils

copied pose


Elios and Chibiusa

colored pencils

copied pose


Sunset Stroll

colored pencils

For a contest

Tsukino Marriage

colored pencils

For a contest

I started this pic as a doodle in my Irish History notebook.  Hey, Luna and Artemis could get married if they wanted to, right?  Not a very detailed pic, for sure, but I like the way Luna's face came out.
Eh.  I'm mixed over how this came out.  Horses are *REALLY* hard to draw, you can ask anybody, including Disney, so I'm not too worried about that (although I do like the way Pegasus's face came out) and I'm not sure exactly how but her face looks messed up to me...oh, well.  First drawing I've finished in a while, and that's enough for me.  For now.
Kitty Wedding

colored pencils, computerized effects


White Charger

colored pencils

copied pose
