Requests - Sailor Moon

Hee hee these are easy. I love to draw Sailor Moon, whether for myself or other people.

This is another one of those pictures that the details came out so well in that I was afraid to color it.
Completely unbeknownst to me, my sister-siteowner Hime-chan liked the picture, cleaned it up, and colored it in on the computer.
I love the blue streak that Hime-chan puts in Chibiusa's hair in her fanfics!  So rebellious!
Artemis!  Too cute, whether in human form or in kitty form.
Angel Queen Serenity, for a Sailor Moon RPG, drawn for Saylor Nebula 1


copied pose


Angel Queen Serenity picture colorized by Hime-chan on the computer Chibiusa, from a fanfic, drawn for Hime-chan

colored pencils


Artemis, drawn for CryKat

colored pencils

semi-copied pose


Wow, this came out REALLY kawaii!  Doesn't hurt that Iron Mouse is so darn kawaii herself...I hope Neko-chan doesn't want Iron Mouse for a snack!  Just kidding, Neko-chan!
This picture spawned a series, "Princess Animates", which you can see in my Sailor Moon section.
This came out pretty good, Sailor Pluto's hair color is very hard to get just right.
This is another pic I surprised myself with.  I drew it pretty tiny, so the details on the dresses were really hard to draw, but I think the tropical feel of this pic came through well.
Sailor Iron Mouse , drawn for Neko-chan

colored pencils



Princess Aluminum Siren, drawn for Topaz

colored pencils


Sailor Pluto, drawn for Rocketcica

colored pencils

Rei and Usagi kiriban, drawn for Bosink

colored pencils, computerized background

Jamie said "Draw anything," so I decided to try a character from Sailor Moon I had never done before, and make it a "What If" sort of picture.  Thus we have a slightly older Shingo--well, he would've kept aging, you know!
Dee also said to me, "Draw what you want", so she also got Sailor Moon "What If" art.  This Naru-chan is older than we see her in the series.  Sometimes I wonder what happened to Naru-chan in the future.
I've never seen Sera Myu fanart before, thankfully I've got lots of cosplay pics to use as reference!  I'm not very good at drawing Minako, though.  ^.^;;
This pic took two tries, the reject is sitting unfinished in my sketchbook.  What happened?  I used to be so good at drawing Chibiusa...
Shingo in 8th grade, drawn for Jamie

colored pencils

copied pose


Naru, drawn for Dee

colored pencils


Sera Venus from the Sera Myu musicals, drawn for Bunny

colored pencils


Chibiusa as Queen, drawn for GUYVER33

colored pencils

copied pose


There is actually a color version of this that I've put in Storage.  But I was going for a Calvin Klein ad look, and most of those are in black and white.
Ooh!  Another Pluto.  I think I'm getting better at drawing her, although I was sloppy and scanned it before I had colored in the collar, so I had to color it in and scan it again.
Another "What If" Sailor Moon pic, but this one very specifically by request.  I hope I gave the impression of Zoicite's femininity without making it horribly blatant.
Just a Christmas request for Psyche, I decided to do Minako because I need practice drawing her.
Seiya, drawn for Elisabel

colored pencils, made black and white on computer, computerized background

copied pose


Eternal Sailor Pluto (manga only), drawn for Kari

colored pencils


Female Zoicite and Kunzite, drawn for Nephryte

colored pencils

copied pose


Santa Minako, drawn for Psyche

colored pencils

copied pose


I wanted to draw Umino in my ongoing quest to draw every single character from Sailor Moon, and immediately I thought of the very funny scene in Act 3 of the first manga where they picture what Umino might look like with his glasses off.  I don't know what inspired me to try to color in my pencil sketch in Paintshop Pro, I only hope it doesn't look too bad.
Yah!  In my continuing mission to draw every single Sailor Moon character (at least the ones who made it into the artbook), here are Usagi and some of her classmates, on a field trip to Central Park.
The happy family, right before Galaxia landed.  Don't you wish they could've stayed like this forever?
My dad requested a pic of me!  I was very surprised.  His favorite senshi is Pluto (he thinks she's so sexy) so I drew the two of them together out on a date.
Umino, Before and After, drawn for Kaiyu

computer colored



Haruna-san, Usagi, Naru, Umino, Yumiko, and Kuri, drawn for Anna

colored pencil, photo background


Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna, and Hotaru, drawn for Harukababe

colored pencil, computerized background


My dad and Setsuna, drawn for my dad

colored pencil, computerized background


Alyssa wanted a picture of Minako as an angel because she is most like Venus and therefore Venus is her favorite.  I think I did okay on her face.  :)
Maggie is Alyssa's sister, and she liked Angel Minako so much she requested an Angel Chibiusa for herself.  That's the good old Windows XP background again.
Oooh I LOVE how Iron Mouse came out here!  Looking at pictures of Moon almost always guarantees a good picture.
Take two of my scanner combining with my markers to do odd things.  I love the way Minako came out (she almost looks French, n'est pa?) but it looks a little streaky.
Angel Minako, drawn for Alyssa

colored pencil, photo background


Angel Chibiusa, drawn for Maggie

colored pencil, photo background


Sailor Iron Mouse, drawn for Elisabel

prisma markers, computerized background


Minako and human Artemis

prisma markers, computer colored background

semi-copied pose


This picture has a long story behind it, which I'm not going to go into.  Normally I'm not into the whole Seiya x Usagi thing, but for my friend Usagi Kou, I will make an exception.  I WISH I COULD DO THOSE DARK HAIR COLORS BETTER!
When Valerie, the wonderful girl who runs Pink Heart Kiss, said she was thinking of redoing her layout to feature a fanart, I offered to draw her whatever she liked.  She chose "Beautiful Lady Serenity in a pink gown by a lake."  Well, this is what my little mind came up with, and I think both of us were pleasantly surprised!
Mollie called my art "comfort food"!  ::sniff::  I thought that was so cute, I had to draw something for her.  She requested one of the lesser-known senshi, so I picked the leader of the Asteriod Senshi, Sailor Ceres.
Good Lord, I started this in November, really?  Thank God for LJ, I lose all track of time.  Anyway, this drawing came about after I recolored the "Disney Senshi" piece I had done a long time ago.  My friend Lady Terentia is a huge Disney AND Sailor Moon fan, and she so loved it that I told her I'd draw her anything she wanted.  We had been recently tossing around the idea of cosplaying as the senshi in EGL outfits, so she asked me to draw Ami-chan in a blue sweet lolita dress.  I happen to have a blue sweet lolita dress, and Lady Terentia happens to cosplay Ami-chan, so there's a very good chance there will be a photo reproduction of this drawing someday!
Guardians of a Princess

Drawn for Usagi Kou

colored pencil, computerized background


Beautiful Lady Serenity, drawn for Valerie

colored pencil, photo background


Sailor Ceres, drawn for Mollie

markers, photo background

copied pose


EGL Ami, drawn for Lady Terentia

prismacolor markers, computerized background


My friend Hal wanted to see Minako (his favorite senshi) in plaid.  I thought that was a good idea.  I think this is the happiest I've ever been with the way Minako's face came out.

Plaid Minako, drawn for Hal

computer colored
