Sailor Calinia

Name: Galiana

Meaning: n/a (it is a derivative of the names of her ancestors)

Birthday: She is ageless, however, she came into being in the year 2710

Astrological Sign: Not being from this universe, the constellations we are familiar with don't apply

Blood Type: not human

Favorite colors: Red, black, and silver

Hobbies: Working closely with computers, traveling to obscure planets, teasing her "bosses", making "stuff"

Favorite Foods: While she doesn't require food, she is not above the occasional alcoholic drink now and then...

Least Favorite Food: Potato salad. It's like kryptonite to her.

Favorite Subject: Computer engineering

Least Favorite Subject: Pilot's ed (while she makes an excellent first mate, piloting a ship makes her nervous...)

Dream: To bring something completely new to her universe

Favorite Gem: Quartz