Nacchi's Profile

Name: Jenn
Nickname: Nacchi
Birthday: December 13
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Blood Type: Uh I don't know ^^; lol it's red! XD
Favorite Subject: Art and math
Least Favorite Subject: History
Favorite Food: Boba, milk tea, sandwiches, and korean food!
Least Favorite Food: Anything bitter or sour
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Gem: Uh none in particular ^^;
Favorite Sport: Tennis and swimming
Favorite Animal: Dog
School: I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering; now I'm back in school for a degree in Graphic Design
Hobbies: Anything related with Star Wars, reading, cosplaying, hanging out with friends, FFXI Online
Strong Points: I get along with just about everybody ^^;  I'm pretty laid back and easygoing.  I try to keep drama as low-key as possible and I'm pretty firm about not dealing with any gossip, which I think sometimes makes me a magnet for people who need help with problems lol but I do the best I can to try to help without getting personally involved or compromising other people's trust.
Has Trouble With: Dating? lol! XD  Uh no really though I don't know!  I guess I am not very good with guys/relationships lol.  I have a lot of guy friends but no boyfriend XD  Also sometimes I tend to be a little awkward and shy meeting people for the first time (I try to work on this though lol).
Dream: particular dream except to just finish school and get a career started ^^  I think in some kind of wild fantasy, I would love to work for LucasFilm as a graphic designer or web designer or whatever they want to hire me for ^^