
Saturn got so gypped in the anime--she was in like, what, one season in civilian form, and only a half a season in senshi form, and none of the movies!

I'm bad at poses in general, which is why she looks like she's in the Lotus position, rather than sitting crosslegged.
Isn't Hotaru's dream to be a nurse?  She makes a cute one.
Alex bought me prismacolor pencils, so I wanted to try them out of course.  Dad says this is perfectly proportioned, but I think she looks too thick.  What do you think?
I always felt so horrible that Hotaru had to wear all black and long sleeves and stockings to cover all the scars (and wires) on her body in the manga.  I'm sure that, when she was reborn, she enjoyed feeling the sun on her skin.
Hotaru dressed up as a Goth

colored pencils

One of my "ten winter break drawings"

For a contest


Nurse Hotaru

colored pencils

For a contest



prisma pencils

copied pose


Healed Hotaru

prisma markers
