Original Art - The Game Goddess

The Game Goddess was a story I started writing and drawing as pure wish-fulfillment, about a girl who lived in a world built of video games (Captain N anybody?) Incidentally, The Game Goddess is also the nickname I use when I am beating people at video games. ^.~

Wow.  I was really bored, in those waiting rooms of my therapist.  No, really.  As of October 2007, it has been rescanned and edited.
I did these both in the same day??  My God.  Anyway, I remember squinting at a thumbnail on the back of the Street Fighter II Turbo box to copy this picture, for HOURS.  As of October 2007, it has been rescanned and edited.
None of the pictures I've ever drawn of her have been as good as the very first pen sketch I did in a French class in high school.
Kain is obviously ripped off of the Dragon Master Kain in Final Fantasy II.
A more ambitious drawing of Castle Jouer

colored pencils


The Game Goddess vs Vega

colored pencils


The Game Goddess

colored pencils


Dragon Master Kain

colored pencils


I based Lady Icarus' personality very loosely on my friend Skye's mother.  She had some pretty funny dialogue, though, of course, she didn't mean to be funny.  I named her after an old Nintendo character because she's of course the older authority figure in the story I was writing.
I thought this was cute, a castle made out of Tetris blocks, with a pipe from Super Mario Brothers in the front.
Lady Icarus

colored pencils


Castle Jouer

colored pencils
