
Minako's face is truly the hardest for me to draw, and I have no idea why!

I really used to love sparkly crayons, but I think they lose their glitter over the years.
Due to the book Atlas Shrugged, the dollar sign has become a very dear symbol to me, so I jumped at the chance to participate in Beatnik Crab's contest.  This isn't the image I had in mind originally, but I love the way it came out--definitely one of my sexiest pieces to date.
Hee hee hee.  I guess you know where this comes from.  I'm sure it has been done before, but I had a picture of the original in front of me, and I just HAD to.
I don't think I did such a great job on her face--it looks too much like Usagi's.  That being said, I like the outfit (I copied it from Tomodachi Life, and is what inspired this drawing), I like the pose even though it was more work than otherwise, and I really like the background--art night with Mara inspired me to put a little more work than usual into it.  Overall, not too bad.
A sparkly Minako

crayons and glitter crayons (that don't show up too well when scanned...actually...they don't show up to well in real life, either ^.^;;)

copied pose

One of my "ten winter break drawings" (if a little late) (last one!)


*mild nudity*

Sign of the Dollar

computer colored

For a contest


*mild nudity*

Birth of Venus

copied (obviously)


Tomodachi Minako

primsacolor markers, computerized background

semi-copied pose


Tomodachi Life has been an unexpected muse for me--this makes the third drawing I've done because an outfit I saw in there suggested something to me!  When I originally got the idea, I wanted to do colors in Paint Shop Pro--similar to the "Plaid Minako" I have in Requests--but by the time I actually got around to drawing this, I was spending a month in Pennsylvania taking care of my grandfather post-surgery with a lot of time to kill and not a lot of access to a computer, so it just made more sense to use the markers I had brought.  On the one hand, I kind of wish I had seen how this would have come out if I had CGed it--that little marker slip between her legs is driving me crazy, and the sky didn't blend well at all, I wanted the darker color on the top, not the bottom.  On the other hand, working on a drawing over the course of days and even weeks instead of my usual hours meant that the drawing evolved in an organic way I've never experienced before.  Originally it was going to be Minako leaning against a fence with her elbows hooked on the top rail; that changed.  The hair flowing developed on its own, too.  And the grass was originally going to be green, but after I saw how autumn-ish the color palette set by her outfit was--again, it just happened.  I'm proud of myself for doing another non-copied pose, too.  Let's hope this trend continues (not counting the layout images I'm working on for 2016, of course.)

Fall Minako

prismacolor markers
