Original Art - Flaming Stars

Started when I was a freshman in highschool, Flaming Stars was my attempt at a space science fiction story. I never did get around to finishing it.

Jack is the lead of my story, captain of a bunch of space pirates, prone to depression, and cursed with powers she doesn't know how to control.
Dirk is a complex character who plays a vital role in the plot (if I ever get that far in writing it.)  Possibly in love with one of the characters, but who?
Sweet and innocent, Nick isn't a fighter, but a wonderful mechanic.
Bobby is a clown who doesn't know when to quit.  He needs his visor to see.  Very fond of Jack.

crayons, glitter crayons


crayons, glitter crayons


crayons, glitter crayons


crayons, glitter crayons

Angel is an average pilot but has a gift for inventing, such as the Hyperskates a lot of the characters wear.  She's also Gabrielle's mother.
A fierce beauty who is introduced much later on in the plot.
The youngest of the characters, Gabrielle is Angel's daughter, and possesses both a wide range of martial arts knowledge and some mind powers.
J.D. is one of Jack's oldest friends.  Any more I say would be a spoiler...

crayons, glitter crayons


crayons, glitter crayons


crayons, glitter crayons

